Frequently Asked Questions
Cannot power on the robot?
1. Check the emergency stop button is pushed in. if yes, turn it slightly and pull out.
2.Check the master key. If the master key position is off, robot is not powered on even you press the power on button.
Robot can not move straight?
1. Check your robot wheels and floors. If robot wheels are oily or your shop floor is slippery. Please clean them first and test it again.
2. Hair on the floor may cause problems on wheels too.
Robot doesn't stop at the correct position of the table?
1. The position of the table could be moved. Remove the table and send the robot to the table position. When the robot stops the table position, set up the table at the right position.
2. Turn on the robot at correct start point. Bellabot and KettyBot (Laser version) need to be turned on at the right position. Please turn off the robot and bring the turning on point and turn on the robot. Position and direction must be correct.
KettyBot's Ads contents are not playing?
KettyBot needs to download the contents from the cloud. Please check your internet and Wi-Fi is working.
Robot battery is not charging?
1. Turn off and on the robot first. And please check the charger light after plugging it into the wall outlet.
If the green light is not turning on, you need to replace the charger.
2. Once you check the green light is turning on, please check the charger light after plugging in both the wall outlet and the robot.
3. If the red light is not turning on and still it's green, you need to replace the charger. Please contact us to buy a new charger.
BellaBot battery level not going up while charging?
1.Please check the battery level. If the battery level is less than 20%, you need to pull out the battery and plug the adapter directly into the battery, not the robot.
BellaBot is going back before customers take all their dishes?
Bellabot has a sensor on each tray. Once it detects movement on the tray, it starts to count.
If you want to avoid the situation, there are 3 solutions.
1. Turn off sensor detection on robot settings
2. Make the delay time longer on robot settings
3. Put each dish on different trays, and set the same table number at each tray.
BellaBot or KettyBot keep stopping and saying 'bring me to the starting point?
1. Your restaurant environment may be changed. If you recently changed your shop environment, please contact us for remapping.
More Questions? Contact us: 718-973-0505